The Blog


A veteran PBIA tutor of over 12 years, Jason Sholl teaches computer science, upper-level math, science and humanities, and test prep for the SAT, ACT and GRE. A graduate of Harvard University, Jason is also a certified college counselor and Director of University@PBIA.

Fun Facts: 

  • Jason used to be a literary agent at the AGI Vigliano Literary Agency in New York City, which sold many #1 bestsellers. 
  • Jason’s writing has been published in magazines including The Weekly Standard, The National Post, Reason, The American Prospect and Gastronomica.
  • Jason has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing and used to lecture at the University of Arizona.
  • As a hobby, Jason makes computer code-based artwork that explores the mathematics of the natural world.
  • Jason only missed one question on his SAT.
  • Jason has two children, ages eight and five, and loves being a husband and father.