The Blog

Mateo has been an awesome person to work with this past semester. His joyfulness really illuminates what makes PBIA great. He is always excited about his coding course. Every Friday, he comes bopping into class with his I-pad and Virgo Robot, in hand, ready to program. At the start of the semester Mateo would program his Virgo to move through an obstacle course, jump ramps, and smash into blocks.

As the semester progressed, he started using the program and had a fun time inputting code to make Minecraftcharacter move, with the code shown on the Right-side of the screen. Additionally, he created dance parties, creates art, builts houses, and even played ‘Flappy Bird’ all through the use of code.

Below is a house Mateo created all by using code seen on the right-side of the screen.

It has been such a privilege to work with Mateo over the course of this semester. He brings an excitement to learning that is hard to duplicate. Over the course of this semester, he’s learned how to create loops, debug, and sequencing code. Mateo and the PBIA team have created a learning environment that is inspiring to walk into everyday!